

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Twice Blessed

Greetings all,

I hope this weekend finds you well.  I've had a busy ten days.  It's almost like more than a month's activity was packed into those few days.  I once again raised my drum and honored the changing wheel of the season to welcome in the spring.

So at the very gates of spring, it was freakin freezing.  I guess it was in the 40s...barely, but it was also misting rain.  The kind of cold rain that gets into your bones.  It made my hands numb and so my drumming was not as steady as usual.  I worried a bit about this, however I decided that the important thing was that I showed up.  Most spirits understand that our bodies come with some limitations.  If you have guides that don't get that and are demanding unrealistic feats from you, then you need to fire them from your team.

This week I am noticing the longer days.  I am also seeing how erratic the changeover in seasons seems to have become in the past decade.  I recall much smoother transitions from my child hood.  Our first day of spring coincided with 7 inches of snow in the evening.  It was beautiful and thankfully didn't stick to the roads too badly, a rare combination.  Those on my prayer list got the benefit of two prayers this week, one for the equinox and one for the Friday ceremony.  Both were seasonally themed towards renewal.  On top of that my drumming got the extra mojo from the medicine bundle of the local shamanic weather circle.  It's the red one in the picture above.

Mostly what I've been feeling lately is lucky.  I am well fed, sheltered, clothed, in reasonably good health, and I work in fields that I love.  I also have good people around me.  This has been a long process to come into that combination of factors.  It has taken effort, but so much of the credit has been the grace of good fortune.  The chance meetings, information showing up when I needed it, and opportunities landing at the perfect time have all been huge blessings.  Stepping back and noticing these things is important; it is way too easy to focus on what is lacking or imperfect.  Our minds are programmed to scan for problems so it is up to us to reframe our situations.  I've been looking forward to this spring for months.  I've got many things lined up for the coming seasons.  Winter was a turn inwards and now I get to reemerge into the world and share what I've been incubating.  I've had a new healing method go through testing since the fall which should be out in a month, I'll have a Chi Kung video out this summer, and I will be putting together another day long workshop to present locally.  There is a lot of living to be had in the coming months and I am looking forward to it.

So why am I gabbing on about fortune and stuff.  Well the universe gives us some circumstances that we have no control over, but many instances of luck simply require us to show up.  So it is important to show up when we can, in whatever state we are in.  If we show up with a willing heart many wonderful things can happen.  So I challenge you to show up.  I challenge you to recognize where circumstances have served you.  I challenge you to find the perfection that exists in a moment in time.  They are there for the taking I promise.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

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