

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

It's the End of the World as We Know It & I Don't Feel Fine

Greetings all,

We really must stop meeting like this.  The news is grim.  People are acting crazy.  There seems to be no end of the crisis in sight.  Our national leaders in the USA have abandoned us to worship the god of the marketplace.  Small businesses are drowning, people can't make rent, and healthcare is even harder to come by than it was before.

I will share that I have been told by my team of spirit helpers to wait.  If I try to look forward too much it makes me shiver.  This is the hard lesson of living in the moment.  The moment is uncomfortable.  The moment is scary and uncertain.  The moment is for me at least not bad on the surface as long as I don't try and project forward.  I am comfortable where I am physically.  I have food, shelter, and most of my basics met (as long as I don't need healthcare).  Still there is something definitely missing, and that something is a probable future.

All futures are up for grabs right now.  I said it in my last post the world we knew is gone.  Whatever version will rise to replace it, is not yet ready for the unveiling.  I want information from my guides, but I keep getting told, "Wait."  One did elaborate and said I could wait with purpose.  So I have been trying a few things here and there (mostly here though as there is no place to go).  I started experimenting in my studio.  Weird thing is that the experiments have mostly worked.  I am not used to success.  I had years of failures with recipes and techniques. It is rather uncanny and I am slow to trust this.  Of course I am slow to trust in general.

What makes something precious?  Is it the effort in its making?  Is it the time it took?  Is it the material cost?  Is it something else entirely?  While I am trying to avoid projecting forward to a return to what was, I am starting to wonder what would I like to see instead of the normal I knew.  Normal was slowly killing me and billions of others.  What could the new normal entail? Would it be better, and more importantly how do we get there from here?  So many questions and so few answers, and of the answers we have, none are comforting.

Why am I telling you this?  Well we have been in this crisis long enough for it to sink in how changed our world is.  There are some good signs like cleaner air and clearer skies alongside ominous signs of coming violence from those that want normal at ALL costs.  I hope we decide to become better people who value each other.  My faith in humanity is definitely at a low point these days, but maybe I am just being blinded by ugly outliers.  Maybe there are many more good people who care than there are cruel ones.  The cruel ones sure do make a lot of noise....and mess.

How about you?  Are you navigating the maze of madness of these times alright? Do you long for contact?  Do you know what it is that you miss?  Can you without referencing what was, focus on what you would like to experience when the darkness has passed finally?  What shape would you like the world to be?  What society would you like to live in?  What does it feel like?  How does it treat the least among us? Does that society provide for the needs of its people in a way that works for all or just for the few?  What can we learn from where we are so we choose more wisely where we are going?  Let me know what you come up with.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle