

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Activation 2013

Greetings everyone,

I want to start this post by thanking everyone who wished me a happy birthday last week.  I also want to apologize to all the people who have left comments or questions in the past for this blog, I only now discovered how to to check the comments section.  Rest assured I was not purposely ignoring you.  I'm doing my best really.

This past few weeks I've been manic with activity.   Most of the changes I've been making I've thought about for months (if not years), but for some reason since 2013 began I've been on a mission.  I've had an overhaul in my relationships, my business, and my art.  The question that's been running around my head is why now?

The new year often brings a focus on making changes in our lives.  I usually start off with grand plans and think of how productive I'll be once spring hits.  I generally fall quite short of the season's promise. This year I've taken steps that far outpace what I would accomplish in six months of efforts.  Reworking the Year of Transformation  in the first week of the year, would usually be enough for me to sit on my laurels for a few weeks, but then I went through and updated my whole shopping car, reorganized this blog and youtube channel, hosted a teleconference with a very intense energetic download (that is still integrating for me and the others), put up a new shifting video, started more networking opportunities and been making new artwork.  That's not half bad for not being quite 6 weeks into the year.

What's odd is most of these changes I've had the skills or knowledge to accomplish ages ago.  However it is only now that I've gone out and done them.  I was always waiting for the time to be right or for some sign, and that sign or circumstance was something I always looked for outside of myself.  The sign if that is what it is didn't look anything like that.  It was a deep calling from within, like something just turned itself on.  So the basic reason of why now was I realized that I could do these things.  The first rule of manifestation, "It must first exist within you."  I had to be able to conceive of myself moving forward not just have the raw skills, but I had to believe in those skills.  Some things continue to be a challenge, but I intend to keep this momentum going as far I am able.

How about yourself?  Is there something you've thought of doing, but never began?  Are you putting your plans into the future instead of today?  Is there some step you can take today that will move you even the slightest bit closer to your dreams?  You are here today in 2013 a new age what if you turned on that switch inside of you?  Turn on the switch that says you can and you can do it now.  Believe in yourself, take that next step, I'll be there taking my own with you.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

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