

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Fall of the Cards

Greetings all,

I hope you have had a pleasant week.  I've been watching the maple trees begin to put out their little blossoms.  I've also worked a psychic fair for the first time in a few years.

It has been about seven years since I had worked a fair.  I'd never done particularly well at them in the past.  Besides that I used to get rather annoyed when I would just sit there knowing I was extra "switched on" that day.  So I stopped doing them (aside from assisting in a friend's booth that is), and only booked private readings.  It is unusual that I do more than one reading in a day.  It is more typical that I do more healing work with a reading peppered in here and there.   It's funny, I started my practice by giving readings.  I thought that is all I would do, but now it is something that has become one of my more occasional services.

It is easy for me to forget how vulnerable it can feel be to be read.  Doing this fair was a good reminder for me.  Holding a space of compassion is probably the most important thing I can do for someone whether they are receiving a reading or a transformational energy session.  People come to me at the crossroads of life.  They are often afraid or desperate.  It is my job to meet them where they are and give aid.  I forget how magical (or scary) this can seem to people.  I often get people who've never had a reading before, or someone will send me their child to read.  I take that as a privilege from Spirit that I would be trusted to usher somebody through their first experience.

Readings often are people's first brush with mystical energies.  For many that may be as deep as they want or need to go.  It's the hint of the pattern that underlies events.  Occasionally I feel a bit of that too as I see the signs come into recognizable shapes.  A reading is just a snapshot of a moment in time that gives you the direction of the currents that are rushing our lives along.  Still it is nice to step back and see the wonder in it.  So I shall do a few fairs here and there just to reach out into the world.

Why am I telling you this?  Well our own patterns and experience can sometimes become so habitual we miss the mystery in them.  We can forget what it is we have to offer the world.  We can cocoon ourselves in our life and stop reaching out.  It is tempting because it feels safe, but by doing so we truly do miss out on becoming part of the larger tapestry  of lives.  So if you've kept your talents hidden or quartered off I invite you to occasionally share them with the world.  Show people what you can do.  You might just hold the answer to the problem someone has been struggling with.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

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