

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Greetings all,

I hope you are doing well.  This week like most has been full of ups and downs.  Despite the downs I am moving full steam ahead to set things up for the summer.  I will be on the road in August.  As part of my deal with myself to try and go someplace I've never been each year,  I'll be passing through some places in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  I will also end up in Thunder Bay, Ontario, because this eagle is about to go international.

How do you like my first shot at a DVD cover?  Personally I'd like those triangles a little longer, more isosceles and less equilateral. Still it isn't bad for just playing around.  I'm working on my first professional instructional DVD and I will be teaching workshops on the road.  For whatever reason this week I've just been knocking out tasks one after another.  I spent so many years wishing for things to change, to have my chance, and now it feels like it is happening.  The difference between now and then is how I act on things.

I remember years ago when the movie "The Secret" came out.  Like many people I was in a desperate space and wanted to manifest my dreams.  The formula was be grateful, visualize, and release.  Sounds simple and I don't want to knock that, being able to envision the life you want is important.  What so many of us leave out of it is taking steps towards that life.  Acting is scary, it forces us into places where we aren't comfortable.  It forces us to change up what we are doing.  For someone like me who wants reassurance that where I am going and what I am doing is going to work out, that's a big challenge.  I've learned though you have to start with or without that guarantee and though things rarely go to plan they usually take me where I need to be.  I'm still working on the where I want to be part.  My road twists and turns taking me to places I never anticipated and I'm the better for it.

I officially started my business about 8 years ago.  I wish I had known the things I know now back then, but that's life.  You learn as you go.  Here are some of things I picked up along the way.  The biggest thing is to just start.  Try not to get too narrowly focused (ah my old nemesis tunnel vision).  When people ask you if you do something that is bigger than what you currently do instead of saying no, say not yet.  Find a way to reach people that matches your interaction style rather than trying to force yourself into a standard marketing practice.  When you have an idea write it down before you forget it (because you will).  Write and write often to develop your personal voice.   Go out and have fun, because it is important for your well being, but all also because you may meet potential clients or experts that you need.

So why am I telling you all this?  Well the energy these days seems to be stirred up, and we might as well make use of it.  Dreaming is fine, but don't dream too long or you may find you've slept your life away.  Wishing is fine, but it needs to be the force that drives your decisions and plans rather than an empty ideal.  It's empowering to bring your ideas to life, so even if the big goals seem impossible start with some of the little ones that point in that direction.  I'm still far off from what I wished for years ago, but I'm closer today than I was then.

How about you?  Are you stuck where you are?  Have you let your dreams fizzle into half faded wishes?  Are you taking steps to bring your vision to life?  Are you paying attention to opportunities around you that may move you along?  Are you limiting yourself?  Well if you are I'd like to encourage you to get out and try something.  You don't have the bet the farm your first time out, but you can always start somewhere.  We're all underway to somewhere, and while we may not be in complete control we do have some ability to steer.  Try making use of it.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

Sunday, May 20, 2018

What We Carry

Greetings all,

I hope you had an enjoyable week.  This week has been chock full of events and preparation.  Last weekend I had the Louisville Spiritualists Center's event, where I helped set up and organize the healers.  This week I was prepping for the Mighty Kindness and my monthly local chapter meeting for the Monroe Institute.  By now you'd think I'd learn that I don't have to bring everything that I do to a festival or event, but don't I try every time.

These last few weeks I've been so emotional.  Past relationships have been on my mind, those that ended either by estrangement or death.  The relationship that has been on the forefront of my mind has been my relationship with self.  There's been moments where I've let all self judgments and shame drop away, and in those all too brief times it feels just phenomenal to be me.  In those all too fleeting moments I feel so light like I could float right off the ground.  It's only with the contrast of those gifted flashes of Grace that I realize how much mental/emotional weight I am carrying around.

The truth is I have not been very kind to myself.  I've been bullied, ignored, or disrespected so much that it barely registers anymore.  It takes something big to get my attention.  This numbing has been a primary coping mechanism, but it hasn't kept the pain out.  It has normalized and then internalized it.  That critical voice of authority from long ago now speaks in my own tones inside my head.  I've been dragging these heavy burdens with me everywhere, it's no wonder I find so many things challenging.  I've begun to think though that if I have accomplished what I have in spite of those internal torments and the chains I've been pulling along, what could I do if I found a way to set all of that aside and only carried myself.

It sounds simple, but like most simple things it isn't easy.  We often internalize what we hear repeated over and over, especially if it was something we heard a lot of when we were kids.  We come to believe what others say about us must be true.  This is because we are social creatures, and in society what gets mirrored back to us forms our self image.  Things like meditation help us to disassociate from that often false and distorted image.  It can take time though, because most of that image is unconsciously generated.  I'll give you an example, when I was around 14 or so I had someone I looked up to say that unless I was very handy or made lots of money nobody would ever love me.  This person was very near and dear to my heart at the time.  (14 year olds are not very discerning with who gets access to their self image).  I went through adolescence believing that, hell up through my 20s and most of my 30s.  Guess who is still single?  Now of course I know on a rational level that statement is complete bullshit, but on a subconscious level I obviously still put stock in it.  It's why I put up with people treating me like a nonperson.  That's just one belief that did a lot of damage because instead of deciding that person was awful I continued to invest in them.  I took on that burden to carry instead of carrying myself away from their influence.

Why am I telling you this?  Well I have found that many of the problems we have boil down to us carrying around someone else's judgment of ourselves until we believe it is our own.  Their assessment becomes our reality.  We become disconnected to who we are, instead we strive to be good enough to snuff out that judgement, but it is always there in the corners of our psyche, a slow and subtle poison that steals our joy.  "I'm not ____ enough.  No one could ever love me.  I'm not worthy.  Good things are for others. I'll never get over this."  There is your starter pack of lies for a cursed life.

So in the coming weeks I ask that you look at how you treat yourself.  What is it you believe about yourself?  Does it come from your personal experience or is it someone else's view that you have internalized?  What if you were to see yourself in your own truth?  What if the lies we tell ourselves were to fall away?  What would you be then?  What would you feel like?  What would your life be like?  I hope that we all set down our burdens, maybe then we can all fly somewhere together.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mama Mia

Greetings all,

Happy Mothers's Day, here's a flower for you.

I have memories from a very young age.  I remember being bathed in the kitchen sink at dusk by my mother.  I was probably two years old at the time.  My very first memory was my mother driving me home from her mother's house.  There are countless thoughtful deeds she has done for me.  There are also times where she missed the mark and wounded me deeply as we all do to the ones we love from time to time. There are also times where I've been ungrateful, thoughtless, and downright unfeeling.  Such is the nature of family.

The primal bond between mothers and their children is the most powerful force there is in nature.  I've seen it both break and cast curses.  Quite simply the relationship you have with your mother will color all of your other relationships.   For most of us it is a complicated relationship.  When we pass into adulthood it can be difficult for both children and mothers to adapt to the new status.  We can become trapped into the roles we wore growing up.  Now that works both ways, adult children can also expect their parents to be the same all powerful figures from their childhood.  That's assuming there was no trauma or abuse which opens up a whole new set of complications.

Mother's Day can be hard for many reasons.  Maybe you've lost your mother to death.  Maybe your relationship was abusive and toxic.  Maybe you never knew your mother.  Holidays bring out our  wounds that haven't healed.  As we move forward in our life we have to look after ourselves, we become our own mothers and fathers.  If we can't heal our connection to our biological parents, we can work to heal our inner parental archetypes.

So why am I telling you this?  Just like us, our mothers carried their own wounds and traumas.  Many of them did the very best they could working through their pain to be there for us.  Maybe yours did good by you or maybe she didn't.  At this time it is good to acknowledge those around us that have mothered us and others.  Not all mothers are related to us.  Wherever I go I seem to encounter the energies of the Mother and the Grandmother, whether it is in the feel of the shade of trees or in the people I meet.  There are those that care for me with that same tenderness I have been blessed to experience.  So I try to judge less and love more.

How about you?  What's your relationship status with your mother or her memory?  Are you carrying the old hurts around with you everywhere, or have you managed to salve the wounds of the past?  Do you value those among us that take care of others?  Do you value your own role as caregiver?  Cut the mothers in your life some slack, and if you're a mother cut yourself some slack too.  Mother needs her consideration as much as her children.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

Sunday, May 6, 2018


Greetings all,

I hope you had a lovely week.  It is May and the weather has finally turned to warmth.  Cool breezes at night and warm sunshine in the day make this my favorite time of the year.  I forget how renewing the seasons can be, and I am grateful.

So on one of the last cooler days we had, I came out to my car and a lone honeybee was on the window.  It looked at me, and I looked at it.  For some unknown reason I felt instantly drawn to this small creature as it looked in on me.  I fully expected it to fly off after I started the car and began to drive away, but it didn't.  I went in to teach my evening class fully expecting it to be gone when I came back out.  It was still there.  I drove home with my small companion, and the next morning it was still there.  It had rained and was quite cold for the season, I was worried for the bee.  Again I'm not sure why but I felt a heart connection to this little insect.

This is not the first time I have had this kind of experience with an insect.  A few years back a beautiful white moth was on the patio door looking in and I could swear it was beaming unconditional love at me.  I've also had strange encounters with unusually helpful birds.  I've had instances where it felt like even the trees were waving hello as I walked past.  Now some people would call this delusional, but in shamanic societies this would be the norm.  I think we take for granted just how much we relate to our fellow organic beings.  The fact that we have animals that live with us as companions, and some even do vital service for us is amazing.  We're communicating across species, that's phenomenal.  I can't even get decent technical help for my cellular service, and that's just because of a slight language barrier.  These animals don't have thumbs and we communicate.

Human beings never got very far on their own.  We are social creatures, and where it was possible we threw in our lot of with other species to advance.  Think how cats and dogs have contributed to society, and what about the horse.  Even in this day and age we still refer to the amount of power in our vehicles as horsepower.  Indigenous cultures around the world always incorporated animals into their stories as helpful (or sometimes less than helpful) characters.  This is not an accident, whether we know it or not we are in relationship with all other lifeforms around us.  The nature of that relationship will determine how rich our lives become.

So why am I telling you all this?  Well I think we take for granted all of our distant relations in this world.  We miss out on the healing power in the song of birds.  We become indifferent to the plight of the deer that seek to cross our roads.  If not for a slight variance in DNA we would be them, and they us.  Go back far enough and everyone and everything is related.  We are individuals, but we are also part of a whole system of life.  So as you go about your business notice your cohabitants.  Appreciate their contribution to the vast tapestry of life around you.  Are you in balance with this network?  Do you honor its sacredness or do you walk asleep through artificial worlds of the human mind.  Ponder, feel, look at the dizzying array of life, and be good to your distant cousins.  Maybe somewhere along the way a creature or plant will reach across the biological divide to offer you exactly what you need in that moment.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle