

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Making it real

Greetings everyone,
I'm so excited I just received my first donation via the blog from one of my youtube viewers. I've been focusing most of my effort on youtube rather than the blog the past few months. If you haven't checked out my videos yet click on the link. I've got some samples of my energy work and play, plus a few talks and tidbits. This donation is a big step for me into making my dream of doing this work (or play for all you matrix lovers) into a tangible reality. The money miracle video I posted a month ago seems to have really struck a chord with everyone. Go treat yourself and watch the video and others. Make your dreams real.
Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A long winter

Greetings everyone,
It's been long hard winter. I'm glad to say we weathered the winter snow and ice well here. We had talked with the weather spirits at the start of the season and were told there would be several major weather events and they were astoundingly accurate each time we checked in...much more accurate than the meteorologists. The spirit of winter talked about it being a time of inner growth and opportunity, and it has been. My youtube channel has become more popular, and I am currently working on getting my first professional website together. When completed I will have an online shopping cart for my services. It has been a busy time moving between the worlds and mediating between spirits and this realm now spring has sprung and the outdoors is calling to my heart as well. It seems there just isn't enough time to keep up with everything. If you've been tuned in like I have the past season you have been coming up against your own inner blocks. All the challenges now that we are facing are here to prepare us to explode with growth and joy.
Blessings to you all,
Thomas Mooneagle