Sorry for the delay in the blog updates. December is a busy month. We had a great turn out for playing with the matrix. Everyone there got to experience shifting as well as helping others to shift. It was a very fun evening. The next matrix interest group will be the second Thursday of January as the first Thursday will be New Years Day.
There will be some wonderful events in the upcoming year. Reiki classes, faery workshops, tai chi, and of course readings and reiki will still be offered. I will be opening up an online account as well to do distance sessions for both reiki and readings. I will also be starting to post videos on Youtube on a variety of metaphysical topics. In the meantime, the Haven's crew has been keeping busy on the creative front with art and writing projects as well as a land search to expand our retreat center. I hope everyone is having a good holiday season, and for those of you who aren't feeling the joy of the season don't despair this is the dark of the year. I feel things are moving in a better direction for all of us now so take care and Happy Holidays.
Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle