

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Expecto Patreon

Greetings all,

I've been busy integrating and processing what I learned and experienced on my trip.  It certainly helped me put into perspective some key points of my life that I would like to see change.  It had been a number of years since I just let myself want anything other than the basics. When a desire did arise I had excuses for the way my life was run to turn away from it.  Well, I have decided to go after what is drawing me.  If there is an obstacle, I'm looking for solutions to overcome it or sidestep it.

I have several occupations.  Apart from my holistic/shamanic practice, I also teach Tai Chi.  That is my steady income (albeit not much).  I love my students and I've come to enjoy teaching for the way it deepens my own practice as I seek to share it.   So in the past it has mostly been a perceived lack of resources that has kept me from pursuing my dreams.  This year I've set about changing that. My latest venture of creating a meditation album was a step in that direction, but I feel like Patreon will be a key part of helping me establish firm support.

For those of you who don't know.  I launched a Patreon page where folks can support me for $5 a month. Patreon is a creative funding platform that many artists, musicians, and content creators (like Youtubers) go to help them create a community of supporters so that they can continue to create.  I've adapted the model for some of my spiritual work.  Since I do weekly ceremony I simply add my patrons on the site to my prayer list.  I also wanted to do something that was just for them, so I've been doing a monthly teleconference where I do energy work for the group.  It is kind of like a longer version of one my youtube videos, the difference being it is exclusively for my patrons.

At first the idea of adding another task to my monthly calendar seemed like a chore, but this  month I really got into it. I love doing the conferences.  They are giving me lots of idea for spin off projects and future albums.  The only challenging part is scheduling amongst various timezones.  So far I have a handful of patrons, but they are made up of friends and long time clients.  I like this mode of interaction.  Sometimes I won't hear from clients for months or years.  Which says to me that I am doing good work and I have empowered them.  It is nice to have this opportunity to connect with them on a regular basis, while simultaneously receiving support to help me further my dreams.

Like many people in the service focused entrepreneur field I am challenged between wanting to keep prices low so that I can help those who really need it, and making sure I am making enough to take care of myself.  What good can I do if people can't afford my services?  Conversely how can I continue to be of service if my needs aren't met?  So I am really jazzed about my Patreon venture.  It really hits both of those issues.  I just have to build it up, but I am committed.  I was stubborn enough to make my Youtube channel into something.  It just took time.

Why am I telling you this?  Well I hope you'll show up and support the Mooneagle on Patreon for one (link at the bottom of the post).  Also it is important to reflect on support.  Where we are receiving it and giving it as well.  We do not exist in a vacuum.  Human beings need each other.  This shouldn't be seen as a weakness.  It brings us together, and together we can accomplish much more than we ever could alone.

So in the coming weeks ask yourself if you feel supported.  If not what do you need to feel supported? Start looking at ways for that support to show up in your world.  Make sure your needs are met before you go around looking to gift yourself to others.   If you find a way to do both simultaneously then dance a jig because a win win is always worth celebrating.  When we support each other we all win.  So until we meet again I hope that you have all that you need to thrive.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

p.s.  If you wish to support me on Patreon here is the link.

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