

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Love Is Not a Battlefield

Greetings all,

I hope your week was good and full.  You may have been  a bit more fortunate and actually have had spring, it's been uncharacteristically absent for me so far this month.  I am eager to welcome the warmer times of the year...soon.

These past two weeks I've been getting back to basics with clients.  When I officially opened my healing practice eight years ago I was leaning heavily on my shamanic techniques, specifically the mesa.  I've kept that as part of my toolkit, but I'd ventured more into quantum tracking and transformational energy healing.  Lately the mesa practice has been taking center stage again and I am excited to see where I am with it this time around.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, a mesa is simply a collection of sacred stones wrapped in a cloth.  It is a portable altar.  When you create a mesa, it is you.  It is your heart's fire.  So working with the heart is extremely important.  I have been working a lot on mine so as the mesa practice becomes more prominent I am noticing things are flowing differently for me.

This week I had some depossession work come to my office.   I was helping to remove entities and stray energies out of a person so that they could heal and embody more of their own soul's essence.  Well I encountered what I refer to as a Mr. Grumpy Pants.  I knew it was one because of the client's reports of terror and then rage.  Those are two big indicators of a Mr. Grumpy Pants type of being.  In shamanic circles they are often called suffering beings or the suffering ones.  In more European cultures they refer to them as something else (I bet you can guess what).  Now the reason I call them a Mr. Grumpy Pants (I suppose it could Ms. as well but I've never checked under the hood for that distinction) is that I don't want to attach any extra fear or give them an aura of power that they've not earned.  In the Andean tradition there is no good or evil only light and heavy.  A Mr. Grumpy pants is an entity that carries a lot of heaviness with it.  This is no fun for anyone including them. You see a depossession is not just a healing of the client, but also of the energies that are stowing away in them.  The spirits I work with take them away for their own healing and restoration.

I don't know why but this week when I encountered pants with a bit of the grump in them I had a different reaction than in the past.  Usually I am very firm and somewhat annoyed.  As my client was telling me about their experience I had compassion beaming out of my heart.  I pretty much stayed in that space for the whole session.  It made everything so much easier.  It made taking direction from spirit flow effortlessly.  I have had other sessions in the past where tremendous healing has occurred and the common thread in them seems to be that my heart was open and the compassion of Spirit came through and bathed the room in that energy.  So while I do believe that learning and perfecting different techniques is important, it is the heart and the compassion that it generates which causes the most profound shifts.

So why am I telling you this?  Well I was pretty jazzed up about the session, as was my client.  Finding that compassionate space in my heart and allowing my helpers through was as healing for me as it was for the client.  We have a lot of cultural ideas built around the idea that love is a struggle.  Love is not a battlefield, it is not a fight, it is a space of flow without agenda.   Coming into a situation with compassion transforms the nature of the interaction, whether it is with friend or perceived foe.  It can be hard to do sometimes, but when you succeed it is very powerful.  Power is not always about struggle and overcoming, it can be equally about embracing and aligning.

So how about you?  Are you falling into battle rather than falling into love?  Do you defuse conflicts with your wild wide open heart?  Do you glory in your opponents defeat or do you look for the win win?  Do you see emotions and sweetness as weak?  If you do remind me to introduce you to the Ocean Mother sometime, so loving, so giving, and yet one of the most powerful forces on the planet. The power of love is not just an inspiration for pop songs, it is the raw power of all life.  So drink deeply from the power of life and until next week.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

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