

Friday, April 20, 2018

A Matter of Power

Greetings all,

I hope your week has treated you well.  There has been change in the air.  Weather continues to surprise us with seasons coming and going and coming again.  I've been blessed to take part in and lead ceremonies this week.

Of late people have been talking about me.  They've been saying good things.  One thing that has come up several times in the past week is that people have been referring to me as powerful.  I always step back from that label.  It triggers me to self deprecate.  I've issues with power, I prefer to be called effective.  The funny thing is the 'power' animal that has been with me longest is one that is all about reclaiming and uncovering personal power.

I've said before that when you are in alignment with your true power you can't harm anyone with it.  Reading that statement to myself I am aware that I fear hurting someone with power.  So I set limits on myself, which often leads to me being hurt.  I think our society confuses power with control.  Those that pull strings, manipulate, and frighten are seen as powerful.  The truly powerful inspire people towards change without force.  The light within them sparks the light within others.  They don't control others, they just have an effect on them.  (Hence my preference for being referred to as effective).  When people have an intense session with me they assume I'm in control, but it is not so.  The more powerful a session, the less control I have over it, and I prefer it that way.  In shamanism there is the concept of being the hollow bone.  Basically you are the pathway the healing moves through not the source of it.  The more I get out of the wa,y the more effective I am for those that seek me out.  So when people call me powerful part of me rebels because I am not the source of that power.

I got to meet one of the Q'ero healers this past week.  It was a great gift.  He did several blessings and ceremonies for me.  I felt the energy, but the real gift was seeing that he was like me.  He was dedicated and effective, but I got to see that I was as effective in my own way.  I had taken the teaching of the Q'ero to heart as well as the other pathways I follow, and it had germinated within me. I had access to the same power.  So when someone called me powerful this week I replied with, "Anyone can be powerful if they are dedicated."

So why am I telling you this.  Well like I said above anyone can be powerful.  In fact everyone can be powerful.  It just takes dedication.  Your power might be in how you provide financially for your loved ones. It might be in how you nourish others with lovingly prepared food.  It might be your words that soothe or inspire hearts.  Your talents and insights might bring needed change.  Your fortitude may be a shield for those that are afraid.  Then again it might just be your presence, sometimes just showing up is powerful.  As we move forward we need to expand our understanding of what it means to be powerful.  We are not all warriors, nor should we all be.  So in this time of change, when light and dark spar through our societies, it is important to remember that we can be powerful and effective.  It is our mission to cultivate that light we have inside, if we do so the power we need will be provided.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

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