

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Joyful Limitations

Greetings all,

I hope your week was rewarding.  I was certainly kept on my toes.  It's never a dull moment at the Casa de Mooneagle.

Apparently everybody I know this week was getting hammered (and no I don't mean they were drunk).  I had a lot of people in crisis mode all at the same time.  I'm often found at the eye of the storm.  Not that I never have my own crisis, but I tend to keep that under wraps.  I tend to dance in that space between and lend a hand where I can.  There are times though where I just can't.  There is only so much Mooneagle to go around.

If you have received my voicemail message a bunch this week, I apologize.  The phone has been on airplane mode so that I can recharge and handle what is in front of me.  The troubles of the world will still be there when I turn it back on.  This is something I had to learn.  Before I would just go go go until I crashed.  I mean I still do that a bit, but I am starting to realize it and counter it in small ways.  Yesterday I said no to doing a depossession because with all the events I have in the next ten days I knew I didn't have it.  Well okay I could have squeezed it in, but not without completely exhausting myself.  This has been a hard lesson to learn.  Just because I am put here to be of service, does not mean I can't set up reasonable limits and boundaries on my efforts.

So why am I droning on about this?  Well it is important to set limits with your energy.  Other people won't do it believe you me.  Last week I had 5 sessions in one day plus my weekly ceremony.  That was about my limit.  As my business grows I am having to place limits on myself or I will book myself into a sick bed.  It used to be more the province of the self employed and entrepreneurs, but with mobile technology, employees are getting to the point where they are never out of reach of their work.  I find it quite horrifying that people I know will get calls from work while they are away on vacation.  They will even email work to them.

So how about you?  Are you placing limits on your output?  What about to your loved ones?  What about to those things you think you "should" do?  What about to those people who "need" you?  So many of us try to make ourselves indispensable so that people won't leave us.  When we do that though we trap ourselves in roles of servitude.  Yes we should lend a hand when we can.  Yes we should be valuable to those around us, but we do nobody any service when we make ourselves a savior.  So start setting some limits here and there.  You have my permission.  The world will not fall down if you decide to take the evening off or have a nap.  However you may just fall down if you don't.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

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