

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Greetings all,

Happy new year! Today I am grateful because the deep freeze of arctic air has lifted and we have come up above freezing for the first time since Christmas it seems.  We ushered in this year with a full moon, the first half of a blue moon.  It was also a super moon as will be the second full moon of the month.  This will be coinciding with a full lunar eclipse.  So if you believe in astrology that's quite a bang to start off 2018 with.

Months before I had discovered what was going on in the sky during the first month of the year, I had high anticipation that 2018 was going to be a powerful year for myself and for many others.  It felt like it was a year for manifesting and coming into your own.  For myself I had several projects that felt like their time had come and another one that landed in my lap unlooked for, but welcome.  On the Medicine Wheel of the Mesa I would say this year the energy of the East is strong.  In the East we step into who we are becoming.  That's what 2018 is for me, stepping into and embodying my own power, and letting my light shine out strongly.

Manifesting our dreams is exciting, but it also a bit scary.  We have to open our hearts, be seen, be vulnerable enough to allow ourselves to receive. We have to take responsibility for our desires and our actions. If something goes wrong who is to blame but ourselves.  This worry of screwing up grows out of my old nemesis perfectionism.

The worst thing you can be is wrong, if you are a perfectionist.  Making a mistake is something you punish yourself for repeatedly. It is one of my primary blocks in creating art and life changes.  Failing of course is part of the journey.  You learn quite a bit from failure, but perfectionism expects you to know without any of the messy screwing up phase.

Why am I telling you this?  Well the new year is here, and there is quite a bit of extra possibility magic floating in the air right now.  Before we fall too far back into our old routines it would be a good idea to commit to creating the changes we want this year.  Now is the time to get our seeds for what we wish to plant and grow in our lives in this coming year.  I myself am knee deep in planning for my teaching this year, testing out a new healing method,  kicking around the idea of doing a Qi Gong video, and brainstorming for my next book.  So dream along with me.  Come up with at least one thing that you want.  Begin dreaming it into your world.  2018 is for all of us.

Peace and Blessings,
Thomas Mooneagle

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